
Wednesday, 9 December 2015

End of year 8

In the end of year 8 we are going to have a graduation year 8 students that a leaving our school and a levers t shirt cause we are leaving this year and we will invite people to our graduation and we will be saling food and we are also going to have a disco on lunch for one dollar and a car wash on lunch time.In one car there will be 3 people per car and one person for the wheels and 2 for each side we will be also be vanquishing your and this time it will be 2 person will be picking all the big rubbish

Tuesday, 1 December 2015

Culture festival

On friday night the whole school did a performance to fundraise money and we also sold food to those people who wanted to eat.
First up for the performance was the maori group next was room two
and then it went to the boys tongan dance I was so nervous but also excited because my group,the tongan boys was up next.
i was in it because Mrs pome called me because I dance way better than the others.

Next was the girls tongan dance after they finish it was done from there then me sifa and timote went and bought a drink cause it was so hot that it was hot in the hall and when we got out it was raining.

After that we felt hungry so me Bono and Sifa went and bought sausages to eat it was so nice and when i got home i had a big sleep.

Wednesday, 18 November 2015

Today I learnt to give stuff that will respect it and will give it back and don't give stuff that they will not treat it properly.Then we talked about giving stuff like $5 or pencil and dvd to our family,friends and strangers then we talked about lending stuff to others people so they can payback on time and be honest when you pay them back

Friday, 13 November 2015

Manakalani film festial

On Wednesday straight after morning tea we went off to the manakalani film festival at Sylvia
park movies so we can see all the other school's movie they made.When we got in there were lots off
school's that was there they were st Patrick school and Glen Innes primary school it was maybe 10 items were shown to us.After we finish we went back to school and it was nearly finish we all got our bags and waited until the bell rang then we got let out.

My recount on the trip

Yesterday we had left school because we had a trip to go on and we all went down to the hall
and had few talks and then we got let out first because we wanted to be seated at the back on the bus.
We left at 9.30 something  and got there at morning tea it was so cool because they even had flying fox and all different kind of activity to first we had morning tea then got let off to play some games like we were playing ball rush and I was one of the taggers.Then we got called in to get our bags and lined up seated so we had to waited until we get a call to go in.When we got in we were severed by a man called Tim we were severed into the space room where we talked about what kind of planets that has holes and all different kind of question.Next  we went into the movie room where we all sat down and relax while the movie was on some of us where sleeping so when it was time to go out people were still sleeping we were in  trouble.After that we went off on the bus I had a great time at the Stardome planet star.

Thursday, 29 October 2015

Dance fever

Today we had dance fever with two teachers and they teached  us hip hop,samba and all different kind of moves.It was so cool dancing with the music.

kiwi can Reflection

Today we had Kiwi can and our points was not good enough because some student's
were not  respecting the teachers and for respect we got 3 out of 5.
I learnt that the are red birds down the south island.

Friday, 25 September 2015


Why should we have free time on our netbooks.

I think that the class should have free time when it’s is raining outside and when it’s not raining then the class can play outside.

Every week  when it’s before lunch and playtime  you have to finish your work.I believe that we should have free time so we know how to show respect your device and looking after your belongings.

I think that the class should get free time when they finish all there task that they aspost to do when they are learning on there netbook.One of the things we should get free time for is to do good work and respect your learning.

I think that we should get free time on our netbooks cause have been doing good stuff in class and outside of class.Our problem with games are people a going off task and they are not learning much.The other situation with games is that some of the game

If kids get free time on their netbooks the games that they play can damage their eyes and cause some severe injuries.Kids should not play games and do their learning so they can be smart in every subject and when there a question you can answer.

The problem with games is that people are playing games at school and they are struggling with work.

My Pepeha

My Pepeha

  • Create and Present your own pepeha.
  • Use the template below to help you write it.
  • Select at least two landmarks, your tribe (if applicable), and two caregivers
  • Learn your Pepeha off by heart. Record yourself saying it to share to blog.

Tena Koutou Greetings
Ko Maungarei te Maunga My mountain is _____________
Ko _Waimakoia te Awa My river is _________________
Ko Waitemata te Moana My ocean is  _______________
Ko _wakarere te Waka My waka/boat is ____________
Ko  Hoi te iwi My tribe is _________________
No  Tamaki makaurau ahau*, I live in ___________________*
engari no Tonga   oku tipuna but my Ancestors come from _________.
Ko Daniel,Misi toku pāpā /koroa My father/grandfather is ____________.
Ko Ema,Ana  toku māmā/kuia My Mother/grandmother  is _________.
Ko Monica ,Samoa  toku whaea/matua My Aunty/Uncle is ____________
Ko James toku ingoa My name is _________________
Tena koutou tena koutou tena koutou katoa
* When you share to blog, put the place you live as either

  • Auckland - Tamaki Makaurau, or
  • New Zealand - Aotearoa
  • Maungarei = Mt Wellington
  • Waimakoia = local river

Thursday, 17 September 2015

Argument about uniforms

My arguement is about wheather we should wear school uniform.

Dealing with school uniforms?

We should wear school uniforms to school so that the people in the
community know what school we go to. We are also representing our school when we wear our uniforms outside school grounds. So it is important that we give our school a good name.
A school uniform is a uniform worn primarily for a school or otherwise educational institution. Dealing with school uniforms is a big issue because people might think that our school is not a healthy learning community centre and also you will have to wake up and wear any clothes you want and that will make you  horry and embarrassed. Then it makes the government think what a bad school and he will never put a school like that.

What kind of clothes should you wear?

Without uniforms kids can wear whatever they want, which is all good and well, but there is a lot of judgement.

Not respecting our rights

I think that teens should not wear school uniforms because that is violating our rights. We have the freedom of speech so we should be able to wear whatever we want to school.We have the freedom of speech so we should be able to wear whatever we want to school.
I think that students should wear school uniforms?

Because, what if they went on a trip and they did not wear uniforms? What if they went on a trip and the building caught on fire and there were a lot of people with no uniforms? No one knows, no one remembers, so I think uniforms are a good thing. School uniforms makes your school bright and shining and makes you look


Thursday, 3 September 2015

Kiwi can Reflection

Today we had Kiwi can and I one of the things we learnt don't get distracted by other people and
our new theme is resilience  and new topic Dealing with challenges.Next it was the points we got 25 out of 25 we were so happy we got 25 out of 25.  

Thursday, 27 August 2015


For Maths I learnt how to use rounding Numbers,Algorithm and also I learnt use place Value.
Next I learnt how to find area's in the lawn and how to measure the lawn.Then we learnt what's
lenght x wenght = area.


Car Wash Recount

The first thing I did on Saturday morning was to have a shower and get my clothes ready to wash some cars. The car wash was at glen brae school Leybourne circle and it started at 7.30 in the morning.

When I got to Glen brae, I had to wait for my mum to get dropped off to work and while I was waiting I had something to do. I had to stand outside and call in some cars so we can raise more money for our camp next term.Then all of a sudden I turned back and  saw my sister driving into wash the car.She came with the tray of drinks and I gave  $20.00 and I got $10.00 change.Then she went of with a nice clean car. The next car that came in was Alisi car it looked so cleaned that it was already clean and ready to go.

The next car I washed was so cool cause I got to wet myself. The coolest part was when I got to wash the window of the car with soap
my hands were going around like circle donuts.

While we were washing, we had some sausage sizzle for lunch it tasted so beautiful that I could taste the mustard and tasted some onion.

In the last part was the coolest. Everything was so free that the table was nearly finish eating and Miss Tiua shouted us sausage sizzle with drinks. That was the happiest day I ever had with the school and teachers. We raised so much money that it nearly went up to $1000 but we actually raised $910.We still need to raise around the 5 thousand more because camp is expensive so we are going to  raise more money   by washing more and selling more food.
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Thursday, 20 August 2015

Car Wash

On Saturday 22nd of August we are having a big car wash over at Glen brae School parking ground and we would like the community to come over and help us fund raise for the year 7 and 8 camp. We are also providing food for money to help us fund raise for our  camp we will make your car flash, nice, clean and fresh to go.We will like you to come over and wash your car at 103 Leybourne circle.
Thank You From Glen brae school

Wednesday, 19 August 2015

Maths Reflection

Today I learnt that one tenth is bigger then one hundredth and when
its a tenth it moves on. I learnt how to use max maths and I learnt that if its are hundredth it is small.

Friday, 7 August 2015

Qiuz today

For Quiz today I did one for me and one about Kiwi can first I did Kiwi can and after that I did one about my school.Then I sent it to sifa he thought it was funny but it was not then I send it to Bono he said it was cool and then he came first.

Wednesday, 5 August 2015

Recount about Nan's house

Yesterday my Nan called us to have a BBQ over at her house and we said yes.The first thing in the morning we went and bought some food so we can go with it and cook it over my Nan's house.After we went and drop off our food we went free market and had breakfast after  breakfast  we went bowling at panmure it was the best day ever at the bowling.Suddenly we saw our courses coming through the sliding door and”we said where did you guys come from” and   they “said  just finish coming from the McDonald next to  bowling”.

Next we went over to my Nan's the was not ready yet because it was raining and it was making the meat more watery.

Friday, 31 July 2015

technology cooking at tamaki college

At Technology we did this cooking called spaghetti  polonaise sauce with some mince and some celery first we had to dice up the onion and then we had to mash the garlic with an wooden hand
and the put all of the ingredients in the frying pan.After we eat we cleaned up our dash washing and waited until the bell rang.

Thursday, 30 July 2015

Child abuse report

Child abuse report

In Other types of maltreatment recognized by some states and experts include Abandonment and Trafficking. Certain risk factors that have been strongly linked with maltreatment include Parental Substance Abuse and Religious or Cultural Beliefs and Practices.

I think that child abuse should be banned by the government because lots of little kids are getting hurt and they are come school sad.

Monday, 20 July 2015

My Holiday

YAS! It's the term 2 holiday and it's time to have some good fun.

One day when I was walking outside I heard there was Mac Donald's so I ran so fast
and check if there was mac Donald's and there was I was eating hardcore

The next day I heard that we are going to bowling I was excited because it was my first time going laser strick and bowling. When I was playing laser strick I was in the blue group cause there was to 
many people in red when it was time up I walked out and bang on to the wall and fell down it was sore .
Next game was the game zone it was so call becuase I got to play this cool as game suddenly I my sister playing game she won 500 hundred tickets and when I tried it I got 9 tickets so it was BAD!
For me becuase my  tokens were gone.After that we went bowling I had to wear this shoes so I can 
Throw  properly as we we're playing I saw so e that I know he was my course. It got better and even fun it was more exciting then before.After we finished bowling we were all tired and very hungry so my big sister said to me trip some money cause I had 100 hundred dollars from my dad so said I will trip I 
$20.00 and went takeaways and went home eat there .after we went to matariki and that's was holiday.

Thursday, 18 June 2015


Today for maths I learnt lots about decimal and even learnt that half of
3000 is 1500.In maths problems it was pretty hard for me because it was about decimal.
I enjoyed maths because I learnt alot of stuff about decimal.


One day there was one little dinosaur and his name was James. He
was a T-Rex and had a big mouth.Also sharp teeth, sharp claws
and he was about 6ft high.

Once he turned 5 years old his mum enrolled him into one of the
highest schools ever.His mum was so excited for James to go to school.
When James got to school there were some kids that were

kind enough to let James play with them.

Kiwi can

Today we had Kiwi can I learnt that reliability means trusting other people and
being on time to class.Then we had Energizer it was body beats i was in group 4 and when my group went
i went to group 3.After that we had a game called hand ball i was group 3 then we got split up to
1 whole team the score was 2 all.Then it was time for points we got 21 this week and 19 and a half last week.Kiwi can is so cool because it learning about famous people

Friday, 12 June 2015

Madd diary

Today we had MADD workshop it was Petia we learnt about not making mistake and about ten thousand hours.The other thing that we learnt was No is Nowlegde It means joining in to other games and trying to play with others.Today we had MADD workshop we learnt about making mistake and learning the next time you do a mistake.Then we had another thing that said No is Knowledge It means that when you join in to other games.

Friday, 5 June 2015

reading work

Do you think it is a true story? Why? Why not?The story is true because Te Horeta sign the waitangi history.

Where did Te Horeta keep the nail?Te Horeta got the nail from the ship

What was the name of the ship Captain Cook sailed?
the name of the ship was endvour

What did Te Horeta do with the nail?
Te Horeta caved a big waka and made holes.

Why were the adults visiting Captain Cooks ship?
Because they want to see how the ship form.

Why were the children frightened Captain Cook and the people of the ship?
The ship had guns and big sales

Why was Te Horeta sad to lose the nail?
because that was the only thing that captain cook gave him when he left.

Why did Captain Cook give Te Horeta the nail?
becaus they had Nothing to use

Why do you think Te Horeta enjoyed telling the story of meeting Captain Cook?
because that was the first time captain cook came


Swimming pool is so cool.
Splashing like a tsunami in the pool.
I hear the bell ringing and singing
I feel air blowing as are sand storm is gonna come

School is learning and earning points
One is about going back to school
While another one talks about
The first day of school

Sports,clubs,and activities
At every single turn
So much to do
Study and learn

I like coming to school
Because I learning is cool
I am growing more and more everyday
With awesome peers 
Great teachers
And fun days

Monday, 25 May 2015

Glen brae Early childhood center

Today we went to our early childhood centre to look around and to teach them some of the stuff that they dont know.First we got our partners and we
took them to do some stuff and have a play around
my partner was painting words.Then it was time
for them to do us a song and it was about welcome.

Thursday, 2 April 2015

Dinosaur Resech

Type of dinosaur
Name Means
Tyrant lizard" T-Rex is short for Tyrannosaurus rex

Predator dinosaur

Lived When
(70 million years ago)

Up to 7 1/2 tons

12-13 feet tall at hips (the hips would have been twice as tall as a tall man!

Up to 43 feet

Massive jaws with 50 to 60 blade-like teeth, some up to 9 inches long!


T-Rex's head was about 5 feet long. Its skull had holes in it which made it lighter and easier to carry around.

T-Rex was one of the best known dinosaurs, but it didn't live all that long. T-Rex came along just before the dinosaurs became extinct.

You often see T-Rex pictures with his tail stretched out behind him. He did this for balance.

T-Rex had a very good sense of smell.

When T-Rex ran, he could go 20 miles per hour and could cover 15 feet in one step!
When it lived on Earth
During the Late Cetaceous Period, about 85 million to 65 million years ago
When it became extinct
Tyrannosaurus Rex went extinct during the K-T mass extinction, about 65 million years ago. This extinction killed the remaining dinosaurs
Tyrannosaurus rex was an aggressive carnivore. Scientists believe this powerful predator could eat up to 500 pounds of meat in one bite. It also eats Herbivores and Edmontosaurus and Triceratops
Other facts
It weighs up to 7 tons,

When Tyrannosaurus rex is he age of 14 its body size would increase rapidly, putting on around 600kg a year over the next 4 years,

It is measured up to 13m in length,
4m at its hip

The skull of a Tyrannosaurus Rex is measured up to 1.5m long.

The largest tooth of any carnivorous dinosaur found to this date is that of a Tyrannosaurus Rex. It is estimated to have been around 30cm long when including the root

Term 1 Reflection

In the start of the year we had life caravan it was really cool because
we learnt lots of new stuff like how your heart works and how your body
moves.In life caravan we also do lots of watching about people getting drugs from other people.

Then we had Cricket it was cool and fun cause we got to play our game
and learnt about over arm throw and how to catch a ball.One of our
coach his name was Matt he was so disappointed with us because
we disrespected him and we did not listen him.

Next we had kiwi can in the first day of kiwi can we were all
excited because we wanted to know what was gonna happen.It was cool because we learnt lots of respect and we also learnt about communicating with other people.

After that we had touch rugby in touch rugby we did trials like passing the ball and putting up your target.Our coach was Erich he teached us so many things about touch rugby.Then we had a game of touch because
it was the last day for him to teach us touch rugby.Our team won just by 4 points it was cool cause we all got to learn how to play touch rugby.

Kiwi can

In we had kiwi can in the first day of kiwi can we were all excited because we wanted to know what was gonna happen.It was cool because we learnt lots of respect and we also learnt about communicating with other people.

Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Maths Reflection

Today we did maths solving by our selfs the proplem  was James is making 12 pineapples and for 1 pineapple it is 2/3 I sloved the proplem like this there a 12 pineapples all together and the were thirds.
There were 9 thirds so divide it 18 divde a by 3 eqaurs 9 so i add it all up and it made 27.It was cool
because I Shared my ideas with the people.

MADD Diary

Today we had MADD workshop we learnt about making mistake and learning the next time you do a mistake.Then we had another thing that said No is Nowledge It means that when you join in to other games.