My Pepeha
- Create and Present your own pepeha.
- Use the template below to help you write it.
- Select at least two landmarks, your tribe (if applicable), and two caregivers
- Learn your Pepeha off by heart. Record yourself saying it to share to blog.
Tena Koutou Greetings
Ko Maungarei te Maunga My mountain is _____________
Ko _Waimakoia te Awa My river is _________________
Ko Waitemata te Moana My ocean is _______________
Ko _wakarere te Waka My waka/boat is ____________
Ko Hoi te iwi My tribe is _________________
No Tamaki makaurau ahau*, I live in ___________________*
engari no Tonga oku tipuna but my Ancestors come from _________.
Ko Daniel,Misi toku pāpā /koroa My father/grandfather is ____________.
Ko Ema,Ana toku māmā/kuia My Mother/grandmother is _________.
Ko Monica ,Samoa toku whaea/matua My Aunty/Uncle is ____________
Ko James toku ingoa My name is _________________
Tena koutou tena koutou tena koutou katoa
* When you share to blog, put the place you live as either
- Auckland - Tamaki Makaurau, or
- New Zealand - Aotearoa
- Maungarei = Mt Wellington
- Waimakoia = local river
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