1. Why was Yeye making the kite?Ai Mei
2. How were Yeye and Ai Mei related?They come from beijing
3. Why were Ai Mei’s parents at the Beijing Airport?Because they went for a visit
4. What was the name of the kite?Jin long
5. Why was Ai Mei home sick when school started?Because she wants to go back home
6. Why did Ai Mei decide to bring Jin Long in on the first day she took
it out to fly?Because she thought that the keit was real
7. What did see on the kite when it landed at her feet?A little letter
8. How was Ai Mei able to keep in touch with her grandfather in
China?Sharing emails together
Activity 2 - Vocabulary - Tuesday
Make sentences with these words.
1. messages was written in black across a corner of the kite.
2. boring gery and that it is Magical because messages fly even if it is raining or the wind is too strong.
3. understand it said Ai mei didn't care whether or not anyone else saw the messages.
4. weather if the weather was fine.
5. upwards the pletes took the plan upwards to the clouds.
6. pointed to the top corner where the calligraphy,only Jin Long started out at them.
7. wished that the wind was out to blow Jin long.
9. confused that she did not like it at her cousin house.
10. different too , and at home , even the rice tasted strange.
Activity 3 - Punctuation - Wednesday
Write these paragraphs using correct punctuations.
at first new zealand was exciting ai mei and her parents visited lots of new place before her father began his work at the university and her mother chose a house for them beside a park
yeye would like the green and the space thought ai mei when they had moved in
Activity 4 - Story Review - Thursday
Write a review of this story.Use the Story Review template.
Title: Against the wind
Author:Cheri Pinner
This story is about..Jin long try be stronger than the wind......................................
The characters in this story are.Jin long,yeye,Ai Mei,Mama ,and ,baba...........................
This story takes place …at china and at school.............................................
I liked this story because..it had story about kite in it..................................
Activity 5 - Title Page - Friday
Design a Title Page for this story. Use Sumo Paint.
Supplementary Activity - Sunshine Online